Health and safety issues can be time consuming and complex. Chris Cahill Ltd can assist and will offer you the benefit of competent advice. Contact Chris Cahill Ltd for clear concise advice, support & assistance on all your Health and Safety matters.
Chris Cahill Ltd – a respected bespoke specialist safety consultancy located in Dorchester Dorset.
We work with and support many varied businesses throughout the South West and across the UK.
We offer a common sense attitude and clear advice on your Health safety and compliance matters.
Chris Cahill Ltd your trusted advisor for general safety advice to keep your business safe.
We can assist with the general safety requirement of your site or business premises.
Chris Cahill Ltd safety by design for all health and safety matters.
Chris Cahill Ltd will support your business and encourage your employees to take ownership and responsibility.
Chris Cahill: PG Cert. IMaPS. FInsLM. FIIRSM. RSP. ACIEH. MIIAI. CMIOSH. OSHCR Consultant.
An experienced CDM consultant. A Construction Safety Practitioner. A Temporary Works Coordinator. NEBOSH Qualified. A Fellow of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (FIIRSM) Recognised Safety Practitioner. A Fellow of the Institute of Leadership & Management (FInsLM).
An Incorporated Member of the Association of Project Safety (IMaPS).
Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register (OSHCR) Registered consultant.
An Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (ACIEH) a full member of the Institute of Industrial Accident Investigators (MIIAI). Certified & Experienced Lead Accident Investigator and a Chartered Safety & Health Practitioner with the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH).
Competent person
As an employer, you must appoint a ‘competent person’ to help you meet your health and safety duties. A competent person is not someone who simply has the competence to carry out a particular task safely.
In general, terms, the definition of a competent person is someone who has the necessary skills, experience and knowledge to manage health and safety.
When researching the market always ask for the Company and Lead consultants health and safety qualifications, they should be at least Chartered, preferably a Fellow and certainly on the government OSHCR register, please be aware of inadvertently engaging an unqualified or minimally qualified consultancy.
Please feel free to make contact.
Chris: 07836 656 749
Liam: 07541 764 131